Sbor a Orchestr Univerzity Karlovy

Jak vzpomínají na Sbor a orchestr UK naši bývalí členové?

Lieber Haig,

in meinem Leben habe ich schon in einigen Chören mitgesungen, aber nie so viel gelacht und Freude empfunden, wie in deinem Prager Universitätschor dieses Jahr. Ich lüge nicht, es ist wirklich wahr!

Bitte erhalte dir deine Energie, Motivation und Freude an Musik und Gesang. Sie ist hochansteckend und führt zu unvergesslichen Konzerten mitschönstem Klang.

Ich nehme diese Erinnerungen als Teil meines Erasmus mit, ganz egal ob nah oder weit.

Ich glaube fest an Wiedersehen und wenn ich es mit PhD schaffe, komme ich bestimmt für ein Konzert wieder.


Charly (das Chormitglied, das Latein kann)”

English translation:

“Dear Haig,

I have sung in several choirs in my life, but I have never laughed and enjoyed myself as much as I did in your Prague University Choir this year. I’m not lying, it’s really true!

Please keep your energy, motivation and joy for music and singing. It is highly infectious and leads to unforgettable concerts with the most beautiful sound.

I will take these memories with me as part of my Erasmus, whether near or far.

I firmly believe that I shall see you again, and if I make it with my PhD plans, I will definitely come back for a concert.”


Charly (the choir member who knows Latin)

Charlotte Knesebeck (Germany), 27 May 2024

“Good morning everyone! It’s been five days now since I came back to my tiny city in France (Rennes pour les connaisseurs). First, I apologise for sending this message that late… I wasn’t able to be with you on the last (last) Wednesday and I missed you a lot. So I wanted to thank you all: thank you for sharing this amazing year with me, thank you for your kindness and your smile, thank you for your voices and your songs, thank you for the concerts we shared. Last but not least, thank you a lot Haig, thank you for being an amazing conductor, an incredible person and a passionate musician.

Merci de m’avoir accompagné pendant toute cette fabuleuse aventure qu’a été cette année en Erasmus pour moi. Je ne repars chez moi qu’avec de merveilleux souvenirs en tête, autant musicales qu’amicales, en comptant aussi sur de belles rencontres ! Je m’excuse (I’m sorry (blablabla)) une nouvelle fois d’être plus ou moins partie comme une voleuse, sans vraiment vous dire à tous „au revoir“, mais je me suis fait la promesse de revenir vous vous d’ici deux ans (I promised myself to come back and see you until the end of 2026!). I wish you all the best! Please take care and keep on singing! I wish you a beautiful day 1 374 km further west.

Emilie Oberthur (France), 4 June 2024

„Thank you for letting me be part of your choir. It made my time in Prague my best semester in years. Tex SchönlankThank you for letting me be part of your choir. It made my time in Prague my best semester in years.“

Tex Schönlank, Belgium (baritone)

„When it comes to choirs, the personality of the choir’s leader is often what defines the entire character and atmosphere of the group. My first impression of our choirmaster, Haig, was thus an immense relief. His manner seemed to foster a natural and immediate kind of fellowship between himself and the chorus, with a certain implicit authority born of respect never diminished by his affability and charm. Within a few minutes of his direction, I could tell that this was the choir for me. (…) It was a fun choir to be a part of, and we put on some excellent concerts at amazing places. (…) All in all, I have always had a great appreciation for choirs, orchestras, and any other group or society that brings people together to produce something wonderful. Not only did the choir [Charles University Chorus] keep me in contact with and strengthen my bonds with the friends that I already had, I met a great many really wonderful people through my participation therein, from the Czech Republic and all the rest of the world. But more than that – not only did I meet these people; I shared a bond with them. When you collaborate in that way, and work together so closely on that kind of a project, you don’t just become a team – you become a family.“

Ross Millar, United Kingdom  (tenor in the Chorus and honorary triangle player in the Orchestra when not busy singing in the Chorus!)

Ross‘ full post can be found here:



„I had a great time singing with the Chorus and I feel inspired by choral singing again…thank you for your dedication to the Chorus! I felt honoured to sing with such a high quality company.“

Vera Sahlberg, Finland (soprano I)

„Dear musicians,

Playing in the Charles University Orchestra was one of my best experiences in Praha. Thank you for your welcoming me and for your hospitality. Even with the language barrier, I felt like at home. A I really loved every rehearsal…I couldn’t wait for the next one! The atmosphere in the orchestra is amazing! And after the rehearsal…I really enjoyed going for one (or two or more) beer(s)…Na zdraví! It was always a very good time! And I learned a lot about the Czech culture: music, food, beer, wine, traditional festival…Incredible experiences! (…) We played at the 700th birthday of Charles IV! I was impressed and it was an emotional and powerful moment when we played at the Karolinum and then at the Prague Castle! (…) Playing with you was like a dream…before my arrival to Praha I couldn’t have imagined that. Smetana, Suk, Dvorak, Janacek…I am Czech now!!! It was a unique and terrific experience! I am really glad I met you. And I’ll miss you!“ (…)

Isabelle Journé, France (co-principal oboe)

An article by Elan Grug Muse, United Kingdom (soprano II)

Impressions from Minami Toyoshima, Japan (deputy principal viola)

An article by Hannah Illing, Germany (violin II)  

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